DDoS Protection

All Services Shielded For Piece Of Mind.

SmartWall® Threat Defense System

Corero SmartWall® TDS appliances are industry-leading in DDoS mitigation, shielding from a vast range of attack methods and vectors. We deploy our protection as an in-line solution at our edge, filtering any form of attack before the malicious traffic even enters our network or causes any disruptions.

The always-on methodology we use prevents any service disruption that is common with other providers during their detection period where all traffic is re-routed through a scrubbing solution only once an attack is determined as being active.

Always On

Always-On Scrubbing

Utilising in-line mitigation our protection is always filtering traffic so can kick in instantly without delay or drop in connection with no re-routing needed!

Hardened Protection

Hardened Protection

Expertly configured and adjusted protection appliances to provide the absolute best possible protection for every server connected on our network.

Strong Protection

Powerful Mitigation

With protection levels well above the industry standard for the United States and the United Kingdom to shield our network, your servers are secured.

DDoS Protection Capacity.

Total available mitigation capacity deployed in each of our locations to provide world-class cover.

Location Deployed Capacity
London, UK 160 Gigabits Per Second
480 Million Packets Per Second
New York City, USA 40 Gigabits Per Second
120 Million Packets Per Second
Chicago, USA 40 Gigabits Per Second
120 Million Packets Per Second
Dallas, USA 10 Gigabits Per Second
30 Million Packets Per Second

DDoS Specifications.

Mitigation attack vectors supported by Corero and our custom crafted Flex and Smart rules.


UDP Flood Attacks
UDP Fragmentation Attacks
TCP Flood Attacks
SYN-ACK Flood Attacks
ICMP Flood Attacks
VSE Flood Attacks
SYN Flood Attacks


SSDP/UPnP Responses
Fraggle Attack
NTP Monlist Response Amplification
Chargen Responses
Connectionless LDAP (CLDAP) Amplification
Smurf Attack
DNS Amplification
SNMP Inbound Responses

Resource Exhaustion

IP Fragmentation/Segmentation AETs
Invalid TCP/UDP Port Numbers
Malformed, Incorrect and Truncated Packets
Invalid TCP Segment IDs
A2S Get Requests
DNS Authentication Requests
Bad Checksums and Illegal Flags